A Morioka native and currently resides in the city after college in Tokyo. Debuted with “Seventeen DX (Shueisha)” in 1987. Afterwards, published many shojo manga comics under an exclusive contract with Margaret (Shueisha). Currently, doing many things to expand their work, such as writing short, standalone stories for Elegance EVE (Akita Shoten) and others.
The Tokkobe Inari Shrine depicted on the first page can be found at the Chofukuin in Nakanohashidoori, Morioka. Please stop by if you are in the area. However, make sure to watch out for the kitsune (foxes) trying to deceive you, lol.
A Morioka native and currently resides in the city after college in Tokyo. Debuted with “Seventeen DX (Shueisha)” in 1987. Afterwards, published many shojo manga comics under an exclusive contract with Margaret (Shueisha). Currently, doing many things to expand their work, such as writing short, standalone stories for Elegance EVE (Akita Shoten) and others.