Originally from Morioka and now currently resides in Shizukuishi in Iwate Prefecture. Made their debut with Shueisha Publishing Co. Works include “Onna no Hanamichi”, “Shufu no Tomo” (Shueisha) and “Ayashige Tsuhan” (Kodansha), etc. Currently working on a serialized manga “Zuttari Iwate” on a free manga publishing website, Mangamachi. Also periodically publishes a 4-panel manga, “Iwa-san & Nippo-chan” with Iwate Nippo Newspaper Co.
I made an homage to Miyazawa Kenji’s famous story. I think I was able to write this with the support and encouragement from Kenji-san that probably lives in everyone’s hearts even ‘til now.
Originally from Morioka and now currently resides in Shizukuishi in Iwate Prefecture. Made their debut with Shueisha Publishing Co. Works include “Onna no Hanamichi”, “Shufu no Tomo” (Shueisha) and “Ayashige Tsuhan” (Kodansha), etc. Currently working on a serialized manga “Zuttari Iwate” on a free manga publishing website, Mangamachi. Also periodically publishes a 4-panel manga, “Iwa-san & Nippo-chan” with Iwate Nippo Newspaper Co.
『Zuttari Iwate』